Organic (Affective) Mood Disorders

What is Organic (Affective) Mood Disorders?

Affective disorders are observed in almost all endocrine diseases, and especially in patients who are treated with hormonal drugs during their withdrawal.

Causes of Organic (Affective) Mood Disorders

A frequent cause are endocrine disease (hyperthyroidism, Cushing’s disease – Cushing, thyroidectomy, premenstrual and menopausal syndromes), hormonal drugs in patients with bronchial asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, overdosage and poisoning vitamins and antihypertensives, craniocerebral trauma, tumors of the frontal lobes.

Symptoms of Organic (Affective) Mood Disorders

Affective disorders are manifested in the form of depression, mania, bipolar or mixed disorders. Indirectly, the organic background can be identified by a combination of these disorders with a decrease in activity up to a reduction in energy potential, asthenia, a change in craving (endocrine psycho-syndrome), as well as symptoms of cognitive deficit. In history you can find episodes of organic delirium. Manic episodes occur with euphoria and unproductive euphoria (moria), dysphoria is characteristic in the structure of depressions, daily mood swings are absent or distorted. By evening, mania can be exhausted, and in case of depression, asthenia increases in the evening. In bipolar disorders, affect is associated with the course of the underlying pathology, and seasonality is not characteristic.

Diagnosis of Organic (Affective) Mood Disorders

Based on the identification of the underlying disease and atypia of affective disorders. Affective disorders can usually be manic, depressive, bipolar, or mixed.

Differential diagnostics

Disorders should be differentiated from affective residual disorders due to dependence on psychoactive substances, with endogenous affective disorders, symptoms of frontal atrophy.

Affective residual disorders due to the use of psychoactive substances can be identified by history, the frequent presence of typical psychosis (delirium and affective disorders during abstinence) in history, a combination of affective disorders with a pseudo-paralysis clinic or Korsakov’s disorders.

Endogenous affective disorders are characterized by typical daily and seasonal dynamics, lack of organic neurological symptoms, although secondary endocrine disorders are possible (delayed menstruation, involution).

Symptoms of frontal atrophy are characterized by a combination of affective disorders with the symptoms of E. Robertson (see Pick’s disease).

Treatment of Organic (Affective) Mood Disorders

When treating organic affective disorders, it should be borne in mind that patients may react abnormally to psychoactive substances, that is, the trap should be cautious. In the treatment of depression should prefer Prozac, Lerivon and Zoloft. For the prevention of bipolar disorders – difenin, carbamazepine and depakin. For the treatment of manic states – carbamazepine, beta-blockers, tranquilizers and small doses of teasercine. All this therapy is considered symptomatic, attention should be paid to the treatment of the underlying disease. Of nootropics, phenibut and pantogams should be preferred, since other nootropics can increase anxiety and anxiety.